Thursday, August 6, 2009

Little things big, Big things little

The Internet has changed the way we buy stuff. We know more about a product than ever because we can research it ad nauseum via the web. In fact, more often than not, we know more than the sales person at the store when we're shopping. We're all becoming a little more savvy and maybe a little more skeptical.

Look internally at your company. The most valuable people do one thing:

The best people make big things little. They do a great job and don't brag. They land a deal and they show appreciation to the employees and the client.
The weak performers make little things sound big. They have a nice phone call with a prospect and they make it sound like a sale. They talk about little things--how long a meeting goes, what pleasantries a client gave them--and they make it sound huge.

Today, we're savvy. We know that unless a client decides to choose us that we have not made a sale. We know that a 90 meeting without a decision being made is not necessarily a success.

The best performers focus on the result and not how they look or appear. Which makes them appear to be even better.

Barry LaBov
LaBov and Beyond Marketing Communications

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