Thursday, February 17, 2011

Balance the Have-to with the Love-to

Keep your nose down, keep pushing, do what it takes.

The above describes many hard-working, determined people. They're great. But you know what? It can be better than that and they can be better than that.

What if you also consciously had a voice in what work you were doing? You did not only what you were supposed to do, but you had a voice in it, too. We can do that. But we have to be just as aggressive in pursuing our next horizon as we are dealing with what is on our plates right now.

How about looking at the one or two customers or industries or kind of work you'd love to work with? What if they were just as important as doing a great job on your current work?

My bet is you'd have an even better life and do an even better job. Why not take the step to select what you want to do next and start seeing how to do that?

Barry LaBov
LaBov & Beyond

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