Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"You aint never seen a train wreck like this."

We have enough sensationalism in our life. We see it on tv or on the web: plane crashes, cars speeding out of control on highways, celebrity break-ups, etc.

We don't need any more sensationalism in the workplace, whether it be gossip or the reporting of train wrecks or disasters, because along with the reporting of those train wrecks comes another thing we get too much of: spin-doctoring.

What we need is more of us focused on making sure the train wreck is averted, that the disaster never happens in the first place, and that when there is a problem, we face it honestly, without trying to spin it to save face.

The really valuable people at companies take the initiative and ownership to do their best so that the sensational disasters never come close to happening. And if those disasters do happen, they face them openly, without spinning them, so that they can learn.

Barry LaBov
LaBov & Beyond
LaBov Sales Channel
PB&J Newsletter

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