Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Hard Truths

These are some hard truths:

The economy will not truly recover as we would like. It has been downsized. That means there will be less jobs than before and less products bought.

Entitlement will be prevalent in companies despite the down economy.

The cost of employees will rise due to taxes and various government programs, meaning there will be more contractors and part-time employees than ever before.

Consumers will not accept a compromise in quality. They will want more for less and will still expect products or services to be as good as ever.

So where does that put us?

To succeed, we can't waste our energy bemoaning the economy or judging where the country is going. We can focus on what we can control: our response.

We can:

Analyze our investments in people and clients to make sure we're focusing our resources wisely.

Focus on creating great products or services for the right kind of customer who appreciates them and will show loyalty.

Enjoy what we do whether our company is 50% or 80% the size it was two years ago.

Barry LaBov
LaBov & Beyond
LaBov Sales Channel
PB&J Newsletter

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