Saturday, July 11, 2015

Believe - part three

What if you don’t believe totally in what you are selling to a customer? What if you don’t buy-in to the big idea you are presenting to them? What if you don’t get why you are asking for additional scope to finish that project?

If you don’t believe in the above situations, you will do more damage than good. The customer will sense you don’t believe. Realize that it isn’t bad that you don’t believe IF you do something about it. This is what can be done when you don’t believe:

1)      Admit it and respectfully ask the right people what you need to know to believe.

2)      Listen and if you still don’t fully believe, respectfully challenge it and go even deeper with the right people to understand even more. At this point, you either will get it or you may help others realize there needs to be a change to current thinking, which is actually great.

3)      If you still don’t believe, step out of the way. Let someone else take the reins and present or talk to the client. Listen, observe and learn—hopefully you will then believe (or if the meeting is a disaster, new thinking will come from it).

We do harm when we go through the motions. You either believe or you don’t.

Barry LaBov
LABOV Marketing Communications and Training

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