Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Recognition is critical in all kinds of relationships. In business, it usually means a person is called out for a good performance in front of the company or they get a promotion.

The most meaningful kind of recognition is the kind that is not very public, not very formal and seldom ends up with a new title or salary.

It's the day-to-day acknowledgment of what a person is really good at. It requires an interruption of whatever is going on and actually stopping and remarking on that. Much of the time this doesn't happen because it's a hassle or seems unneeded.

But it is needed. It will change an underutilized person into a star or an insecure person into a confident one.

Recognize, see what a person just did well or always does well. After you do it, see if it really was a waste. I'm betting you'll recognize it wasn't.

Barry LaBov
LABOV Marketing Communications and Training

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