Thursday, July 30, 2009

Economic and Emotional Times

Our agency, LaBov and Beyond Marketing Communications, recently updated our client testimonials, and one thing really grabbed me: our clients' emotion.

We all know these are trying economic times. What I sometimes forget is that, in addition, they are tough on us emotionally as well.

For execs at a huge corporation, the stress of lay-offs, downsizing or of disappointing their employees is gripping. The fear of a failed sales forecast is foreboding. The daily unknowns that the exec deals with can be paralyzing.What I heard in the voices of our clients was passion, appreciation and inspiration. These are tough and challenging days, and it's more important than ever to truly know you have a partner.

We suppliers must realize that we not only provide a service, we can also provide a friendship, a lifeline and a partnership to people who are under more pressure than they have ever been in their careers.

Barry LaBov
LaBov and Beyond

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